Toasted Natural Sesame Seeds


Toasted Natural Sesame Seeds

Botanical Name : SesamumIndicum
English Name : Toasted Natural Sesame Seeds
Hindi Name : Til
Family Name : Pedaliaceae


India, China, Myanmar and African countries. 70% of the world’s sesame crop is grown in Asia and 26% in Africa.


AT Harappa in the Indus Valley between 2250 and 1750 BC.



Purity 99.99% Minimum
Admixture 00.01% Maximum
Moisture 5.0% Maximum
F.F.A. 1.5% Maximum


Total Plate Count 20,000 cfu/gm max.
Yeast & Mould 5,000 cfu/gm max.
Staphylococcus Aureus Absent/gm
E.Coli Absent/gm
Salmonellae Absent/gm


BHC Not Detected
DDT Not Detected
Aldrin Not Detected
Detection Limit 0.01 PPM

Nutrition Value

Toasted Natural Sesame Seeds is Oil Seeds known to be quite rich in many mineral contents like iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, and calcium.

The seeds are also a good natural source of vitamin B1 and vitamin E.


Multi wall paper bags/ plastic bags: 50 LBS/ 25 KGS / 25 LBS / 15 KGS / and smaller.

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